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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

✌Two Tip Tuesday✌

Tip Uno: This is like a no brainer
I guess I'm so tired I can't function properly 
But it's still a good tip 
Ok So mini drum roll pls . . . 
Always tip your Waiter, delightful rewards are produced by 
polite and sincere actions

Tip Dos: Negativity can destroy one's perceptions, dreams, 
attitude, temperament, functioning, and so on

When a negative person comes your way
Or a negative situation arises 
GO fast in the other direction

My husband has helped me along the way
with dealing with negativity 
and his advice always helps
So just as he is there for me when clouds are gray
I am here to say I'm here when your load gets a bit to heavy 
or whenever you need encouragement 
Don't forget your Silly Gal Fatima, I'm here❤

I also highly suggest Yoga, if your not into all the poses
or you are physically unable to do the poses
You can Benefit from  
the breathing techniques
The Breath is so Powerful
You can cease anxiety, stress, or irritability (just to name a few)
with deep inhales and exhales through the nose
I have an upcoming vid on dealing with stress
so stay tuned 

Stay sweet, smile, take some deep inhales and exhales through the nose,
drop the negatives in your life . . .

And come back to visit anytime. . .MissEclecticChanel 

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